Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Well, it is officially August!
The month of the start of school for us here in northern Nevada. Im still a little scattered and wrapped in the comfort of summer, though, so my school thoughts are a little scattered.
I still haven't gone into work to set up yet. Several of the teachers I work with have been telling me what they've accomplished so far in their classrooms. I have medium-sized plans for mine.
Refinish the tables.... again.
Paint some more on the murals I didn't get to finish last year.

The cool thing about being a teacher not in the first 2 years of teaching, is that, as a Fine Arts teacher, I teach 3 levels of A and D, each year builds on the last, and I get to most of the same kids each year. It's really neat to feel like I can actually help them grow over the time they spend in middle school. So much changes during those three years. Yikes!

I'm thinking of adding a few new lessons to the mix this year, doing some more art history, maybe adding in a little more reading to help with the CRTs and AYP. Every little bit helps. As long as the primary objectives remain art making, that is.

I've also thought about implementing the Love and Logic more into my room. Recently, my husband has taken to saying.. "Oh, that's a bummer." I have threatened to bring home the L&L dvd. I think the bummering will stop.:)